TGIF {25}

Book Series Finales: Which book, from any series has been your favorite ending? What about your least favorite ending?


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling – I’m sure I’m going with the nerd herd on this one but I can’t NOT pick it. I LOVED THIS BOOK SO MUCH. I freely admit that I cried. A LOT. I also love that you get to see them older sending their kids off to school. After all of the books you really feel like you are a part of their magical world. The one thing that breaks my heart about this series is all the loss. The fallen live on in the young though. 🙂

Least Favorite:

Spell Bound by Rachel Hawkins – I haven’t read it anywhere but this definitely reads like it is the last book so I’m working on that assumption. It would be hard to believe there is another book since everything is wrapped up as far as I’m concerned. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the book and the series, but I was attached to Cal. Why did that have to happen? Couldn’t he be happy too?!?



Forever Princess by Meg Cabot-I know Tee is going to like this one. I ripped through those books so fast, I wanted to know how it all ended. I remember feeling like I was holding my breath the entire time, so anxious to just KNOW!! It most certainly did not disappoint. Michael returned, corn-hater was relegated back to the lunch table, all is right in the world (even though Mia became a better dresser, she was still pretty much a spaz).

Least Favorite:

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins-In the interest of not spoiling the ending for those who may not have read this yet, let’s just say, while it was believable and probably what should have happened, the ending was less than ideal. Which is not to say I did not enjoy the book. The book was great. The book kicked ass, much like Katniss. I just wish the ending could have been a little happier. It still kind of breaks my heart a little whenever I think about it.

2 thoughts on “TGIF {25}

    1. I can understand her reaction, but it still breaks my heart. I do like how it kind of mirrors her mother’s breakdown after her father was killed. ~dixie

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