SERIES · YA Series

Throne of Glass Novellas by Sarah J Maas

The Assassin and the Pirate Lord (.1)

On a remote island in a tropical sea, Celaena Sardothien, feared assassin, has come for retribution. She’s been sent by the Assassin’s Guild to collect on a debt they are owed by the Lord of the Pirates. But when Celaena learns that the agreed payment is not in money, but in slaves, her mission suddenly changes—and she will risk everything to right the wrong she’s been sent to bring about.

In Assassin & the Pirate Lord we are introduced to the Assassin’s Guild.  Celaena and Sam are sent to carry out an order from their leader, Arobynn, King of the Assassins.  When they understand what the order calls for they realize blindly trusting their leader isn’t the smartest thing.  They know what is the right thing to do and assist in trying to free the slaves from their doomed fates.

As an introduction to this series I found both Celaena and Sam very cocky. After finishing?  I love Sam and have much hope for Celaena though I hope for more explanation about the characters once I get to Throne of Glass. 


The Assassin and the Desert (.2)

The Silent Assassins of the Red Desert aren’t much for conversation, and Celaena Sardothien wouldn’t have it any other way. She’s not there to chatter, she’s there to hone her craft as the world’s most feared killer for hire. When the quiet is shattered by forces who want to destroy the Silent Assassins, Celaena must find a way to stop them, or she’ll be lucky to leave the desert alive.

This story takes place two months after the first.  For her punishment  Arobynn  has sent Celaena to train with the Silent Assassins in the Red Desert and she can only come back withe the approval of the Mute Master. 

I think out of all of the novellas this is my favorite.  It eludes to the magic that has been banned.  For example, Ironteeth witches?!  I don’t don’t even think my imagination can do that justice.  I also think this is novella where you see Celaena really start to understand she cannot continue her life as she did before the incident with the slaves. LOVED IT.


The Assassin and the Underworld (.3)

When the King of the Assassins gives Celaena Sardothien a special assignment that will help fight slavery in the kingdom, she jumps at the chance to strike a blow against an evil practice. The mission is a dark and deadly affair which takes Celaena from the rooftops of the city to the bottom of the sewer—and she doesn’t like what she finds there.

 Underworld takes place about a month after Red Desert.  Celaena has made it back to Arobynn from The Silent Assassins.  Arobynn repeatedly tells Celaena that he is sorry and tries to win back her good graces by buying her several nice things as well as set her up with a job assisting in the safety of people who help slaves escape.

In this story you really find out just how evil Arobynn is and what he is willing to do to get what he wants.  I found myself wondering several times how Celaena could be so naive to what was going on around her when I felt she has already realized that she needed to break away from her old life.  She should have been much more cautious for herself as well as Sam.


The Assassin and the Empire (.4)

Celaena Sardothien is the assassin with everything: a place to call her own, the love of handsome Sam, and, best of all, freedom. Yet, she won’t be truly free until she is far away from her old master, Arobynn Hamel; Celaena must take one last daring assignment that will liberate her forever. But having it all, means you have a lot to lose . . .

Sam has found a client for them so that they can have enough money to get away from Arobynn for good.  As they plan their attack Calaena ponders if she can truely leave this place she has come to know as home.

Oh Sam.  This story took me a couple of days to get through because I knew what was coming.  For that reason alone this is my least favorite.  I was not shocked by any of the situations both Celaena and Sam end up in and found this story very predictable at times though I did still enjoy it.


Overall I felt like each novella could have been their own full book as each story had enough back bone to hold it up.  It makes me wonder, if I like these novellas so much how much will I like the actual book?!  I cannot wait to read Throne of Glass and I have complete confidence that it will hold up to my expectations. 

6 thoughts on “Throne of Glass Novellas by Sarah J Maas

  1. Oh man, now I want to read these oh so badly! I really loved Throne of Glass (see fangirl review for more, haha). Can’t wait for you to read it and find out how much you’ll love it!

    Or at least I hope you’ll love it. Please love it, Maggie! 🙂

    1. I should finish it today! Once I do I’ll go back and read your full review. I try to only scan reviews of books I’m going to read until I actually read them so I don’t spoil too much. 🙂 ~M

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